Thursday, July 3, 2014


You've got a total, tightwad semblance of nothing quite
at all, and the man from the big house says follow.
It's the main domain of the prison dome  -  the Rahway
Avenue snicker you're so adept at being. I tried to read
your reflection in the parking meter mirror, but got back
nothing at all  -  not even time nor money. It's a steal, a real
'rip-off' like they used to say. My man, if you were the God
they claim you to be, why did you hide so well? My friend
Valerie, she says to me  'you look so different, so beardy.'
We hadn't seen each other since Winter coats, so I guess 
I knew what she meant. I just smiled and said 'That's me!
I went up to the mountain top and got burned; like Moses,
when he got those stone tablets.' 
'Stop being silly,' she said, 'you're a card.'

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