Thursday, April 17, 2014


Not far afield nor too wide or outside, these
things are all they're meant to be. They nod
an affirmation, and the man who comes forward
just says : 'Science, Science, it's all Science, in
its way.' Xenophon was not liberally endowed
with brains; a military man. (Bertrand Russell
said that). Let it stand. 'You are to ask of me,'
I say back, 'about confabulation, about how we
make our way through this world making presence
and sense from things that are not. To you I reply
'we make our meek adjustments to the world.''
Hart Crane said that, or something of the sort.
Now it's much time later, or what of it that remains.
Like a T. S. Eliot squire sitting at a pub table doused
with inequities and no quiet, people talk  -  attack 
like  -  talk of all things wrong and wrongly. You 
see as it is no things exist yet they try to make it.
Let us go then, you and I. The wigwam faction,
the Tammany Club, the land-marked hall on 24th;
all mysteries to me. I make now nothing and
I seek now less.
I make now nothing and seek now less. So 
what uncle man, so what? I make now nothing 
and seek now less. Expel sadness.
'Dead and dying lay tumbling on top of one
another in the streets, and at every water fountain
lay men half-dead with thirst. The temples, also, where
they pitched their tents, were all full of the bodies of
those who died in them. For people grew careless
of holy and profane things alike, since they were
oppressed by the violence of the calamity and did
not know what to do. Lawlessness and depravity
overtook the population, trapped within the city
walls with no escape from the raging contagion.'
I make now nothing and I seek now less.
Expel sadness.

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