Sunday, March 31, 2013

4234. CADENCE 1, 2, 3

CADENCE 1, 2, 3
(easter prayer)
When everything's wrong in Solobovia it's
all the Field Marshall's fault. He lights the
trees on fire to burn the village down. He
turns things over to start anew. Yet they
all still worship him. Just like our own
handy God of many arms and crafts,
who would destroy our world to do it
new. We worship Him with praise.
And why is this so, dear believers of a
million flocks; those of you now down
on your knees and muttering new
Salvation prayers? How is it that
you make such hoary exceptions?
God of Light, Master, as it were
of Enigma, oh well it is we pray to
you, and often too. Now come
down off your filial tree and
visit with us. Be, of Son
God, just be.

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