Monday, March 4, 2013


If then the past is the master of matter,
and if then the idea of time is fickle, I
stand aside to let these things run by me.
I have no interest in this race : the horseman
says photo-finish, the dog-racer says nose.
There is a small girl by my mirror looking
back at me. I think I remember her name.
Time, I'm told, has a way of finding the most
efficient means of ending things neatly. That
seems the opposite of all I've ever known, though
that is what the great men teach in those
universities made of stone.
For now, I will linger, tired and mellow with age :
all those puking youngsters in their twenties,
the know-nothing know-it-alls with their fingers
up their asses and their shit music in their ears,
the ones in love, the mellow ones seeking family
and children and love, again, I will let them pass.
They are really so tiresome and lame.
Wise men come and go  -  some drag their fire
along the ground, others carry scabbards and
swords. They all speak of wisdom in a very loud
voice : the thunder from on high, I hear it too. I'm
learning to listen in a very new way, though still
wondering what it is I must do.

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