Tuesday, March 5, 2013

4164. MEDITATION Pt. 3 (Connectedness)

The connectedness of all your tissue makes you
live and keeps you running  -  though one thing
is not a thought, the many are. I may serve the slide,
but always  -  out on my horizon  -  the slide's end
awaits. Sensitive hands and a feral heart, that's
always been me. How then, and why, alive? I would
not tell even if I knew, but I sincerely don't. The bread
is rising and it bakes in the oven. The bricklayer is
placing his bricks, and the structure rises.
In the evening, boys are parking their cars like
payloads at a launch - things that go, things to travel;
music and a lunchbox, cards and a cue. I may want
to enter on the landing, but I have neither reason nor
ride. We somehow share a place and a planet, and
really that is all. A life like this was no choice of mine.
I have taken a wife and run off to someone's wedding;
now isn't that confusing as well? We wait at the village
stream, while some idle woman talks on with her hands,
gesturing here and there in a perfect, sleeveless dress. There
are noises and voices all around; in a place like this
the sun never sets. The red wine is flowing in fountains.
The connectedness of all this tissue makes us human  -
we talk, and we too gesture, back and forth. We move
messages and wishes that scatter like the crumbs of a
cake. One thing is not a thought, though the many are -
we mutter 'I love you' and we leave in a car. Mobility
has always been Mankind's dream. Like society with
all its connections unhinged, the major flattery just
goes on : 'How are you?' Or is it better I should ask,
'Who are you?' Either way, the question sticks.
Now listen loved one, gleamed pillar of flesh and
desire: all that ever was can be, and is. You have it
all within you. That twitching subject, wounded in the
street, within a pool of blood? I was certain that was me.
Now I am not sure at all. Am I not, instead, the man
becalmed, who will stand where he has ever stood?

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