Tuesday, October 18, 2022


Like love, in the willow grove, where
the wild winds grow chatty, I will take
your hand, in the minutes I've left, and
try to explain myself. Nothing that works
is simple; things all seem to have their
mechanical complications. I'd guess that
to be part of the cosmic plan of Being  - 
maybe we talk or grumble and complain;
maybe we praise others, for the things we'd
like to gain. But there's a self-silence too,
And it's braver and more glorious.
I will pander for you.
Mr. Markstedder taught me Physics, on
a high-hill long ago. A University town
perched above a lake, where the kids
always sang about Cayuga's waters like
it was still some crazy 1938. Those old,
factional movies that held no meaning
before the war. He taught me that the very
simplest act of a person, me, a physicist,
or anyone, observing a phenomenon then
effects that very phenomenon being observed.
So that the resultant observation is untrue.
Apparently, a form of 'wave-physics' churns
through all things   -  being nothing more
that 'consciousness' witheld from 'being', the
world around us cannot be predictable because
each moment of movement convulses the world.
We live amidst all that and alter all things even
as we move. Appearances deceive, and you
now know how that 'table' is not solid, at all.
Though it just appears so, and you accept,
for your fleeting moment, that agreement
based on time and place. Both lethal concepts,
fated to fade, in the end.

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