Saturday, October 8, 2022


From Stone Street to Wall Street, we
walked. There were a few Summer
vendors along Broadway as we crossed.
I had to explain to Rickleson, the new guy
at the firm, that those vendors weren't what
we meant when we said 'short-sellers.' They
were actually selling shorts; our lingo was
different. I said 'Short selling is when a
buyer borrows a security at one price,
(higher) in the expectation that it will
be going down, at which he sells it on
the open market, and then buys it back
on the depressed price. This is all done
with borrowed money. Short-sellers bet
on, and profit, from drops in a stock's 
price. Short selling has a high risk/reward 
ratio: It can offer big profits, but losses 
can mount quickly and infinitely due to 
margin calls. To me, as I told him, it's
always amounted almost to cheating, a
gimmick, a bet, to tweak and play the
American system of stocks and securities.
Gambling by any other name; not worth
a dime, nor of any value to the worth and
process of a Gross National Product, with
the emphasis on Gross. The only thing it
did (the successful bets) was pad the
markets and line the pockets of some
trader geek who wanted a new Ferrari, 
or a new home extension to please the
beleaguered wife, who was usually
hidden and only brought for cocktail
parties, company days, picnics, and the
like. All America's a filthy scam. They
just couch it in high-falutin' lingo so the
little people cam thing there's a real growth
and progress going on. It's all bullshit and
death, really. Nothing worth snot at all.
You'll know it's gone bad when Monsanto
gets bought by General Mills, of Battle Creek.
(Oh, they've already been bought out by Bayer).

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