Saturday, October 15, 2022


When the pennies can buy back
the penny whistle, and the trains
can run rings around circles, maybe
I'll come back again to look. But
you won't see me; I'll be disguised
as something else  -  a cloud maybe,
or a willow tree, or even a ruminating
cow. And how interesting all that
will be. I'll read messages on other
peoples' phones, and sprinkle some
ethereal dust on whatever they thought
was their message in response. I can
disguise my voice  -  a car horn, or
a throaty roar. Something that people
will notice. Like that bicycle guy,
getting out of the way just barely
in time. I can tell funny stories at
funeral parlors, and eat double
portions at the wakes and repasts.
And wouldn't that be something.
A houseful of random accolades
and all being my own alone!

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