Tuesday, December 24, 2019

12,409. RUDIMENTS, pt. 910

RUDIMENTS, pt. 910
(a Christmas message for all ages) pt. two
In all of my life and study, 
I've always mused over 
what's presented and how
it's accepted. It appears
fairly obvious that, in life,
there is no 'Meaning' to
anything except for the
'whatever-meaning'  -  passing
and changeable or not  -  that
we attach to it; to each moving
phenomenon along our ways.
In my opinion, as well, the
meanings that ARE absolute
are the Evil ones. Everything
on Earth seems to start out as
Evil and then get 'improved'
and corrected, or grow more
Evil and become abhorrent,
with certain tags and labels
attached : murder, lust, adultery,
thieving, cheating, immorality,
mis-representation, etc. (Hey!
When you attempt (try) to make
it with a buddy's wife, and it
doesn't work out, why isn't that
called 'adultry')? On balance
that all makes this, as we're
taught too, and which is then
reinforced by teachings, a
'fallen' world. Woe is among
us. This is then, perhaps, that
long-sought ante-room of Hell
that writers have been describing
over the centuries?
The thing about it all is, historically,
the outlandish stories get accepted,
taken on 'faith,' as the good folk
say; even when they are illogical
or against all of the present-day
evidences  -  Biblical stuff too, the
sun stopping, darkness over-all,
the Red Sea parting, manna,
Ezekial's accounts, and Enoch's.
I can go on but won't. All that
stuff is taken on faith. But when
the same reports of the vast
millennia of past time are reported,
over and over, and numerous
versions, they are denied, and
given the status of 'Myth.'
Out of the blue, they're 
dismissed as folly. Primitive 
man's attempts at God stories. 
Etc. You wish to retort?
Got one?
To begin with, the lovely setting
for the Christmas story is bizarre.
For sure it's bizarre in Winter's
North American climes. No one
questions any of that white-guy 
stuff. Angels. Annunciations. A
Quickening in Martha's belly,
when pregnant and yet virginal
Mary enters the room. Faith, baby,
Faith. It has to fit the script.
On the other hand, remember all 
those stories of half man/half animal
creatures running around? The also
bizarre off-beats and failed attempts
at the prime creation of a creature 
like 'Human.' Crazy Gods running
around on Mt. Olympus. Breeding
with humans. (read Genesis 6 again).
Remember the stories of caves
into the center of the Earth? The
landing strips oddly placed in
strategic locations all over the
globe? Heights, and towers, for
the Gods. Why damn-it-all that's 
just Mythology! A mere figment!
I dare say, sweet burning-bush
humans, you're all crazy. You're 
all gullible as Hell too. Look where
it's brought you? Can't freely drink
from that river? Can't walk the
coastline? Can't pick and choose
among the natural foods to eat
on trees and bushes? Someone
has to check you in, and check
you out? Hmmm. Must be that
damn fallen nature bullshit again. 
Better go pray, but only in that
church of your choice. otherwise
it doesn't count.
"The other-worldly nature of the
therianthropes also raises the
possibility that they are mythical
beings, or manifestations of ''animal
spirit helpers' that are common
in shamanic beliefs. This scene
may not be a depiction of an
actual hunting scene, but could
be about animistic beliefs and
the relationship between people
and animals, or even a shamanaic
ritual." Can you believe this crap!
OR they could be about real life,
asshole. They could have a meaning
and a reality based upon the sort
of everyday living people were
then doing. Or maybe your stupid
Christmas story's a bunch of junk
too. (Boy, am I trying to stay nice).
I've often wondered why things
have all to be misrepresented so.
To us, along the way. Why is it
that profess such fealty to the
'professional' verdicts and edicts
of all that we touch and harbor?
Is not Humankind strong enough
to settle things, each of us, on
our own terms and go along? 
Of the supposed 'Christmas
Story' is about anything, it's
been somehow made to be
about the most sentimental of
poorly writ emotions, cultural
charity, and positive blessing.
Given all those changeable
meanings I've mentioned, it
is the most prosaic and most 
simple that then become the
most problematical. Example?
Robin Hood? Jesse James? 
John Wesley Hardin? To name
but three  -  stealing, and giving
to the poor. Which meaning do
you want? The good one, or the
bad one? Go ahead and choose.
Is that good, or is it bad? Are
you glad, or are you sad?
One last word on the primitives,
and their 'Gods' : Although
unfashionable today, Sun worship
was once an integral part of many
religions. In Incan Peru, in aboriginal
Australia, in ancient Britain, to name
but three. A Sun God, not a warlike,
violent, God of War and tribal conflict,
as biblically depicted. And, really,
deifying the Sun does make more
sense in some ways than praying
to invisible, cloud-Gods. Virtually 
all energy on Earth ultimately comes 
from the Sun, as does all weather
and food too. We wouldn't be alive
here if not for that. If it's 'right' in
your heart, first, you don't need a
law or a dictate to tell you that.
Laws, (and religions), are made
for the self-interest of those 
who make them.

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