Tuesday, December 24, 2019


The festive balloons had the
room quite festooned with
elaborate temptings to joy.
Little did they know, as that 
too was the name of my date,
I'd brought Joy along with 
me to this foolish Varick
Street cocaine stack.
We entered through the side door,
where a Michael Handstand was
acting as doorman. A small side
room, for waiting, and a couch 
and two chairs. Michael asked
if I was armed. I said, 'Just one
on each side.' He didn't laugh.
He said 'sit down; Lewis Journee
will see you soon.' And then came
Lewis, he asked to see my ankles,
and then patted me down. Lawyers,
guns, and money, I guessed. The
search was on. He passed us through.
All over town, it seemed every geek
and freak had shownup here. Lots
of booze, drugs, cocaine, and beer.
I just knew how this stuff goes.
'You like the mix?' someone said.
'People or music?' I replied. They
both stunk; but already Joy was
on the floor to dance. Unsinkable
Molly Brown. I'd surely taken
the wrong chance.

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