Friday, December 20, 2019

12,399. RUDIMENTS, pt. 907

RUDIMENTS, pt. 907
(it's all the same)
The way to grace and
happiness in this life  -
and I know I could have
made millions had I earlier
in my days proclaimed this,
so I suppose now I must now
reluctantly give it away  -
is simply to say, about
everything, and about all
situations, 'It's all the same.'
When that nuclear sub
blows up alongside your
favorite fishing pier and
dock, taking everything
nearby with it, you just
shrug, and say 'It's all the
same.' Your favorite pet
gets caught in  a drainpipe
and drowns during a large
storm? 'It's all the same.'
I know it sounds pretty
horrible, but think about
it : All these religions and
Zen and philosophies and
the rest, for eons, have
preached for teaching
Humans how to remove
emotionalism from their
lives, reach states of grace
and divine detachment,
find the inner bliss that
only comes from achieving
God within. This is it, in
a nutshell, and perfectly.
No more angst. No more
wailing or screeching, just
a sublime passivity and a
removal from earthly matters.
'I have finally found a way to
live, in the presence of the
Lord,' as Steve Winwood
sang, in Blind Faith. In fact,
I was in Westfield, NJ today,
and it being near to Christmas,
I saw cars filled with rear seat
gifts and packages still in
store bags, easily identifiable.
And I noticed many of the
fine ladies of the town as they
drove or ambled about, were
singing  -  the song on their
lips was only slightly different,
but I let that go. 'I have finally
found a way to live, in the
presence of Lord & Taylor.'
White glossy bag. Brown
script, stylized lettering.
(Now if I could only find
Steve Winwod for that
remake). It's all the same....
It's all the you
look up at the stars and then
people tell you they're still there
in the daytime, you just can't
see them. It's all the same.
This being dumb-ass New Jersey,
(a small location here, just east of
Rahway), you can't pump your
own gas. So, I'm at the station
today, waiting, and out finally
comes this dull-looking guy,
with wires in his ears, music or
whatever, bouncing and singing
along, or whatever it takes now.
He's a black guy; walks up to
my window, blah, blah, and I
notice his station jacket has his
name on it, as 'Jefferson.' He
mumbles something about
if I want a receipt. I said 'No.'
He pumps up the car, gets it all
done, and I'm getting ready to
pull off, and Jefferson is at the
window, banging. 'Hold it, Sir,
here's your receipt.' Now, I
know he'd asked me, and I'd
said no, but I get it anyway.
It's all the same? There too?
So, I really wanted to stop the
car, get out, and say to this
Jefferson cat  -  'You have any
idea who you are named after?
Do you understand? Is there
any imparted importance to this
factor to you at all? Do you
know he owned slaves? Had
babies with his slave girls?
Didn't much care, sort of 
just went with the flow? Does 
anything filter back to you?
And, hey, Jefferson, did you
know that Thomas Jefferson
with snips and scissors, excised
the entire New Testament, for
his own use, down to 84 pages?
He removed all references to
miracles and Resurrection.'
It was nothing really, all things
being the same, but I figure we're 
pretty much doomed. I've said it
a hundred times, probably all
right here too, but there's just
nothing of any value left. We've
allowed the entire shebang to
be run by and turned over to
Morons. (I capitalized it to be
nice). From that point on, the
downhill abandonment has
accelerated to warp-speed. If
you don't believe it, just look
around and stop over. We'll talk.
But what I want to know is why?
All these Jefferson people, one
after the other, have parents, or
one anyway, and have at their
disposal the complete resources
of tax-dollar and funded systems,
more than I've ever seen, for
medical, hygienic and preventative
care, eyeglass, dental, rent-help,
assistance packages, regular
schooling, and the rest. You figure
what value has come from that?
So they all can continue living?
Compounding the 'interest' as
it were on a v-e-r-y shitty
savings account package. We
get nothing, except more of that
strange level of citizen, and they
get everything. And it's all
running on bankruptcy mode
but no one says it or cares.
in fact, the law says I have to
sit in my car and allow the likes
of Jefferson take care of me.
That's freaking ass-backwards.
(I think this is where I'm
supposed to slip in another
'It's all the same,' and breath
deeply). Done. We move on.
Here's a weird thing today too:
The New York Times  -  vile
shit-rag that it has become  -
has up until this time, in all
its perversion (and it's loaded
with that) consistently said,
in its pursuit to the slaughter
of Trump, constantly negative,
'Trump' did this, 'Trump' did
that. Trump defies subpoenas
to his subordinates. Trump
bribes Crimea. Trump hisses
at Pelosi, etc., etc. Now, and
all of a sudden, it says (banner
headline): 'President Impeached,'
and the rest of the story, etc. 
Sure was a musical-chairs
change-the-tune name-switching,
now that they got what they
were after, through their prim
jealousy. Now they go all into
a historical and record-keeping
mode, with the word 'President.'
What a bunch of shits. I hope
the next pandemic, whatever
the disease is to be, hits midtown
NYC first and crawls right up
the NYTimes tower and gets 
on every seat and chair in the 
place so it can enter, all creepy
and wiggling, right up through
the butthole of each and every
one of them.
It's all the same.

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