Friday, September 1, 2017

9899. SHOALS

I realized today I've outgrown my life
and I've outgrown my wife and I've
outgrown all strife and there's nothing
left really to live for at all. Warning:
don't grow (too) old. Or old enough.
Everything's a parenthetical expression
at this point (Ahem!) and there's not
much I can do about it now. I should
have changed my life years ago. Or
maybe everyone feels like that and I
don't know. Way back when, as that
guy was selling me all these marbles
in a bag, instead of taking, I should
have slammed him in the head with 
them and just run off.
Now it's all too late and I just walk
around dazed. I amount to nothing 
and am probably crazy too. No old
psalms or chantings will help me 
now, my amplitude of plentitude
is broken. When I was really young,
the 'Horn of Plenty' I'd see pictured
at Thanksgiving each year, in grade
school mostly, used to amaze. Now
I know it's mostly filled with crap
and not a thing worthwhile. I've little
more to go, perhaps this one last mile.
(Parenthetical once more) : Now's the
time when you're thinking, 'he should
try to rhyme with 'smile'. I don't think
so, and there's nothing left to dial.

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