Thursday, August 31, 2017


At Adam's Farm, or maybe Eve's Acres,
I forget what they called it, the first crop
was lies. And the lies just kept on  -  even
God went to one with that 'Adam, where
are you?' stuff. Isn't He supposed to know
all that? Comedy wasn't even invented yet,
then, so it couldn't have been in fun.
 Yes, well, even I like to get serious sometimes.
That's the truth. Just today, I watched some
guy with a six-ton truck try to make it over
a three-ton bridge. Mechanicsville, PA, or
somewhere like that. I went right up to him
and said, 'Hey, Mac' (I got that from my father;
he called everyone he didn't know either 'Mac'
or 'Chief.' It always worked for him). 'Mac,'
I said, 'listen, not for nothing but you're way
overweight with the truck and the freight.
I'm not sure the bridge will hold, and there's 
probably a state trooper here somewhere
just ready to pounce. That's an eight-hundred
dollar ticket you know, court appearance too.'
That was true; no matter where he would be,
Indiana or Colorado, with that asshole truck of 
his, he'd have to come back to answer the 
charges and pay up or the fine would be at
least doubled, he'd be held in contempt, and
have to do ten days. That's gotta' hurt.
Oh, he just smiled. 'It's OK, he said. I've got an
exemption. This here freight I'm hauling, it's
all apples, from a place called Eden Farms.'

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