Saturday, July 30, 2022

14,470. APRIL

I might have watched the trains roll
by, I can't remember. It was one of
those evenings of a very late day.
The Smothers kid had just been
injured, and taken away. There
were a few pigeons on the overpass, 
and some kids with a radio on 
Suydam Road, where the ice-cream 
store still then stood.
My friend worked in the photo store;
they restored old pictures that were
shabby and cracked. Her name was
April. Lots of people, she said, brought
in old family snapshots and heritage
stuff. She enjoyed seeing all that once
had been  -  the barns and schoolhouses,
great-grandparents and their homes.
Not a smidge of any of that was left.
Maybe she liked it more for that, she
said, 'the way today was so much less.'

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