Saturday, July 2, 2022


On the fourth time around I finally
got through. The land was wet and
moist. I watched the rabbit eating
the lettuce I'd thrown out for it. Not
knowing whether it was one or five.
A garbage truck rolled by, from
MMM Waste Removal, along
Beach Lake Highway. I knew the
guy, and we waved. Another car
passing later, beeped. A wave of
the hand, and life went on. It's
friendly like that here.
Three hours later, I'm walking
with River. He's showing me 
things I'd never seen before - 
not just the container homes
and places he's put together,
but cool old stuff  -  motorcycles,
cars and trucks. Let a smile be
your umbrella, around here.
I say that with all affection.
Living like a man adrift, but
having stalled too by just
hitting landfall. Hard.

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