Tuesday, July 26, 2022


It's kind of strange, living up
here, how everything changes.
In the usual cacophony of New
Jersey noise - Woodbridge, highways,
traffic, turnpike, parkway, trains,
people, trucks, etc., very little of
it all is actually 'noticed.' The
attention is always elsewhere. 
To the contrary here, the silence 
allows every little noise to take 
precedence. Simple things, like 
the wind, the creak of the trees 
in that wind, the sound of water
or any sound of an approaching
vehicle, its tires with their rasp 
along unyielding surface. I can't
say it's 'maddening,' but it makes
me take note.
I guess I'm just an old crud, 
now again showing my mettle 
by carping on something  -  if it 
isn't this it's that. But it makes a
lot of other things clear too  -  how
mostly it's bothersome men who
do this. I never see a woman at
a task of some scraping, pawing,
cutting, or rasping the land or the
soil, chopping, cutting, building
still more crap; grinding, sawing,
smoothing, and then taking a
diverse and beery pleasure in
going over their work and plans,
reviewing, as it were, the future  -
or a future  -  of their next task of
devastation, change or alteration.
Who says there's no difference 
between the sexes? Just once I'd 
like to get one  of those Tony Guidos 
in an apron and put him in front of 
a sink or a washer, just to gauge the 
reaction of his awful tendencies.

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