Thursday, July 7, 2022


The guy at the horse corral
was picking weeds. It was a
fine day for that, but I said,
'don't the horses just eat them
anyway?' He laughed and said 
'No. We keep them on a strict
and enforced diet. They mostly 
only eat what we give them.'
He was pretty tall, and his belt
buckle shone in the sunlight.
Farmers and horse guys often
have that look  -  part hayseed
and part rube, I guess  -  but this
guy wore it pretty sharp. I did
always like horse-girls better.
They always seem to have a
flaxen, shiny look  -  much more
to my liking, and one that better
seems to fit with horses. No 
mind to that, though; no telling 
for taste.
Just the other day, and for the 
next day too, I saw a small
caravan of laden tractors, each
loaded up with hay. The went
past me, slowly, 4 in a row, one 
way, and back the other way, 
empty. Each was driven, slowly,
by  -  I guess  -  Mennonite ladies
in their Mennonite garb - the little
head caps and light blue farm-dresses.

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