Wednesday, February 20, 2019


'I got my fever during the rent strike
and ever hardly woke up for four days.
When I did get back up I saw that they'd
all come through with hammers and all
the sinks and tubs were smashed. That 
was sure a help. They were worse than
the shitty landlord in bringing things
down. It wasn't no rent strike anyway
'cause there wasn't no rent and there
wasn't even any more a landlord. Just
some glittery suit guy from Long Island
every so often. We'd been squatters by 
this time for over a year, four full seasons
anyway, because I remember the open
fires that were built in the basement  -
yes, controlled but open. We figured 
heat rose, so the rest of the place would
benefit too. Chairs, lumber, pallets, we'd
burn anything we could find.  It never really
worked anyway, so we'd just end up sitting
around an open fire in a containment pit
that we'd dug. Angry Boy Scouts.There wasn't
no electricity, unless we hooked up to the
lamppost at the curb, which we sometimes
did. No cops, just dogs, cats, and rats too.
The place was a mess, and the Summertime
heat was even worse, blistering. People a
lot stayed in cars, the broken and foul ones, 
all along the curb. Cars. Everything was
broken and shattered; the whole place
was a real mess. You look at it all now,
thirty years later, and I still couldn't 
afford to pee in their yards. Then with
their drinks and shoes. I hate 'em all.'

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