Tuesday, February 19, 2019

11,557. RUDIMENTS, pt. 601

RUDIMENTS, pt. 601
(crawling from the wreckage)
That whole Roy Orbison 
episode stayed with me a 
long time. I guess what 
grabbed me the most
was the whole idea of a
rich little kid having a
play car bought for him 
for the yard, at home. 
Maybe it was something
I'd not known of before,
a class thing or such  -  
we used to get a washing 
machine box and think 
we were in Heaven. If my
mother ever noticed a stray
piece of crap in the yard,
it was gone in a minute.
I wondered what became
of that whole little scene,
and how the kid made out.
Reflecting back upon this
episode as well, I had all
sort of after-the-fact qualms
about the risk I'd taken 
with the entire enterprise. 
If anything at all had gone
wrong in any way, cops, 
blow-out, break-down,
accident (I even imagined
my wife crashing into me
from behind, since I feared I'd
neglected to check for brake
lights), I could have been in
deep trouble, all for nothing
except some jerk, privileged
guy pushing me around.
The fact that it all worked
out was a sort of lesson-to-
be-absorbed good fortune.
And thusly I marked it.
I always had weird luck, or
bad-luck, with vehicles. It 
seemed that no sooner would
I get new plates, get something
up and going on the road, all
good, then some dumb-ass
misfortune would occur. One
time, first week out, at the
Metuchen Train Station, the
Jeep I had had some sort of
back-up warning beeper thing,
for obstacles, to tell you if you
were getting too close.. OK, fine. 
But at the Metuchen train station,
along a little row of parking 
meters, the meter I was backing 
into had been hit by someone
and tilted way over, to the left
and into the spot I was entering.
I was backing slowly, but the
stupid beeper thing registered 
it as OK, I guess, by reading the
post behind me, but NOT the
flagrant overhang of the bent
pole and meter, into which, of
course, I slowly rolled. Denting
the rear, already. That little and
still annoying dent is still there.
Just one of those things. The
same car, at the Police Station
Quick-Chek in Woodbridge:
I backed it into some really 
junked-up and dented piece 
of crap 15 year old car, lightly,
there  -  and left another dent
in the rear door. Nice size, but
nothing you'd really notice 
with all the other dents. BUT,
there are parking cameras all 
over the building, and the police
station is right there. So, yeah,
I stopped and went inside and
asked 'who owns' the...... Some
girl behind the counter came out.
She wasn't too flustered at all,
laughed it off, said she lived in
Carteret, the parking lot was too
small, and stuff like this always 
happened, most people take off,
but the cameras always get them,
and they get charged then as 
well with leaving the scene.
So, she was pleased I was wise,
and glad I'd stopped. I told her,
'Hey, no cops, OK. You want
400 bucks to forget you know 
me? She said sure, exchanged
phones and addresses, and I 
went home and came back 
(she took a check)  -  more 
glad to be done with it than 
anything, including the
price. Typical me.
One time when I still lived in
Metuchen, I was returning from
Motor Vehicles with my new
plates and registration for the
MG that I drove. I was in my
wife's Valiant, with her and our
son. We come to a light, BAM!
I get rear-ended, harshly, by
some gigantic garbage-truck.
Not a town hauler, just a 
refuse company, from South 
Plainfield, 'Importico's Waste'  
-  nice Irish bunch. Ha. We 
exchange information, he 
says no cops; and I call 
the guy's father, at the
refuse company, the guy
who runs things. He comes
flying to our house, all fired
up and foul  -  to make certain
I'd called no one, no police.
His 'son-of-a-bitch' kid had
again caused a problem. 'He's
no good,  I just'a give him a
job to be driving, always in, 
a trouble, God Damn.' (His
license was suspended, he'd
had a major accident a while
back, and they had him still
driving). This guy, the father,
here was a really foul dude.
He looks my 'Duster' (Valiant)
over, and says,'Huh? Whaddya 
want? Look at this thing, it's 
a piece of crap. You no gonna'
fix, it's already all dented. You
take 300 dollars, here. You 
tella' no one.' I finally got
pissed enough to give it right
back : "No fucking way. I'll call
the cops right now and I don't
really care what you think. I 
want 1100 bucks and it's none 
of your God-damned business 
what I do with my car or the
money. I'll have your son in 
so deep, and I'll close down 
your horseshit company too."
I got 900 bucks for a few
good rear panel dents. The 
shithead just peeled off the
fifties like toilet paper. Big
man in Little China.
One last car note: the MG
I drove around was that old
MG mustard color you used
to see a lot of. With a racing
stripe too, of black, over the
center. I hated it, and it really
looked like crap anyway. So
I went to Rickel's (a hardware
discounter back then), and
bought two quarts of what
was called RustOleum 'Swing
Set Silver' paint, and I painted,
with a brush, a heavy coating
of silver over the entire car.
It looked cool enough for me.
The two car guys, from Pine 
Top, both named Kenny, 
over where I worked at St.
George Press, where they
too worked some, they
thought it was hilarious, 
the most funny, foolish 
and hideous thing they'd 
ever seen. They drove race
cars; I said 'At least I'm not
driving around in something
that's covered by STP and
Valvoline stickers, and, besides,
this silver paint has been speed
tested and proven to make a
car go faster. Want to race?'
Har har.
I was just never much good in
the 'Reality' department. It still
runs that way, but now the end 
of my drain pipe is so close I
no longer care where it goes or
if it backs up. To Hell with all
that. One final note  - I sold a
car once, to some jerks from
somewhere local, and I let
them, after being asked. take
it away, to drive home, with 
my license plates still on it, 
with the claim that they'd 
return them in a day or two.
It was a Saturday. Later that
night, like about 1am, there's
a knock on my door and two
cops are there. My car had
been found, ditched, down in
some Carteret swamp. And 
what did I know about that?
Why had it been abandoned?
Carteret cops wanted to know
some answers, as did Metuchen.
I had to 'fess up, show the
paperwork we'd made for the
transaction (fortunately the
one guy's name and address 
was on it). They scolded me
big time for letting the car go
like that, with the plates  -  
even if just for the ride home.
If that ride home ever even
happened. No further questions.
No violations; just a half-lecture
about not being a jerk again.
I never did find out where the
car had been found, how, why,
or anything about it. But at 
least I had the cash. 
Damndest stuff.

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