Monday, February 4, 2019

11,518. WELL, WELL, WELL

The shaft elongates over the light
where the monument to Sullivan
stands. Anyway, how thrilling can
the top of a big hill be : we look
out for Route 17, to see.
I get tired of all these places for
the dead. War-dead, mistaken aims,
poisons, and disease. Your Uncle
Waldo was killed in the war, though
mine died shortly thereafter. What
difference is there to any of that?
I had a cat once, I left in the vestibule
of some Avenue B walk-up. Two girls
whom I knew, living there together, had
promised to take it for me, and give it
care and make it a home. What a fool
was I. That cat was my very own.
I betrayed something I loved. Shit.
I gave away a life I'd cherished, even
if only a cat. Shit again. But I had no
other choice; I had to run. That was
for certain. I gave it away.
Oh well. What I had I had, what I lost,
I lost. One can't get stuck in the mire.
Things go like that, Don't rue the
ashes, I guess, remember the fire.

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