Monday, September 22, 2014


Enforced with violence  -  those drivers,
hiring bosses, longshoremen who didn't
play ball with the system got hurt. The
toothpick behind the ear told the hiring
boss what was up that day : scheming
paybacks and the moneylender's due.
The day we had to shoot Andy Hintz was
no different than any other day : out on the
rooftop in an early morning light, one hundred
pigeons cooing. Down the top from the opened
doorway, to the second-floor landing just as he
was coming out to go downstairs. Five quick
pops took him down dead. In an instant, we 
too were gone. Right back out the top again, 
and over. Everything was covered well.
No one told him not to look, no one told him
not to live there. Where everyone knew. Too
bad for all that. No more Pier 51 for him.

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