Saturday, September 20, 2014


There have been times  -  one hundred and more  -
when the central lighting has come down : the forces
of the King, wielding scabbards and swords, take over
the bridge and let no one pass. Claiming to add to the
cover, the men come by checking paper. New times.
New times have new eyes. Delivering new stories, telling
new lies. Does anyone really know what's going on?
I ask the Muslim dude, in his craziness, to behead me,
and this time he refuses to budge. My luck. I stand
before the President, who snoozes very nicely in his
new golf shoes, and gently wake him up. 'Kind
Sir, I hear it said your busy thinking?' He nods,
and gets up to change his channel once more.
The central lighting has come down again.

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