Thursday, August 28, 2014


Old time museums were the best : the kind, the funky kind
with shrunken heads and scalped soldiers shown in disarray.
Earthquake upheavals where the shards and ash were still stuck
onto people's bodies in glass cases. Vesuvius and Pompeii kind
of stuff. And then paintings of all those beheaded monsters and
befouled maidens dying in lust for Jesus. Stigmata and sacred hearts,
girls muttering prayers while the devil ate their parts. A six-gun
on display, from 1881, with a barrel  -  the card said  -  as long as
'Wanderlust Billy's penis'. A gift from some showgirl at a hotel
in Philly. The shovels and the pickaxes of the forty-niners who never
came back. San Francisco Earthquake gold. The shoes of Diamond
Jim Brady and the waistcoat of Tom Thumb. And then, those huge
rooms filled with paintings of old Egyptian scenes  -  finding the
Sphinx half buried in sand, Oriental Masters levitating  -  all that
fine and crazy stuff for maybe twenty-five old cents. 
I loved those old museums best.

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