Monday, August 18, 2014


Down in the south they use the phrase oddly :
'the dad-blamed car won't start'. I ask around, no
one seems to know; what's Dad got to do with with,
why's he being blamed, what's it supposed to mean.
Like salt in the salt-shaker, it's just there because
that's where it goes. When drought hits, there's no
water, or little. The dad-blamed well's gone dry!
Traveling in suitcases from place to place; an
itinerant salesman selling a trace. A trace of some
explosive news, a trace of some better candy to try.
The small sheds on that old tobacco road where
the poor people live, inside of them the walls are
still papered with old newspaper pages, the floor is
sometimes a cinder. I've even seen a hen, pecking around.
'There's nothing to it, it's how we dad-blamed live.'

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