Monday, August 11, 2014


To a man they are standing straight at the
fenceposts along the way  -  this here was,
in 1956, a camp where they took the refugees
in, from the Hungarian Revolution. There
are still a few signs around, trying to tell
the story, but no one cares; no one (actually)
even gives a shit to wallow in that stuff  -  today's
world bleeds stupidity on its own. They are all
mostly kids anyway, or kid-like. Bolstered to 
phones like knuckles on a hand, gaggling and 
gagging the laughter gone ga-ga over nothing
at all. Yes, right here too  -  where  people once 
wailed in a sorrow of displacement and hurt, 
where familes were sundered, or re-united, either 
way. The camp turned its face to this tenderness
scenery. Now, some sixty years later  -  though it
might as well be five hundred  -  every docile face
is on the make. The old airport is plowed over and
it's a shopping center now : bevies of bastards buying
their takes. Walking their fat through parking lot wastes.
I can still hear  -  in my own youthful memory  -  the
cries and the wails and the happiness too. People 
in love with another chance to live.

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