Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Thank you all for the kind cards and letters
coming in  -   yes, a part of me died and your
condolences are appreciated. It was buried in the
churchyard last Tuesday noon : part feelings, part
intention, part love and part hate. Right from birth
no one was sure what it really was. At some point
shaped like a bleeding heart, it in turn kept changing
shape  -  pitchfork, pick-axe, flaming arc. The light
of the morning always found this thing awake, awake
and screaming  -  seeking a solace or at least a refreshment.
I offered it all sorts of things, but it was always insatiable in
needs : consuming things  -  paints, pencils, coffee cups,
wrappers, bundles and ideas. Bedraggled was I, as a parent,
unsure of where to go with what I mat have had. What should
I do with this weirdsome gift : 'gift' did I say? Oh my.
Thank you all anyway.

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