Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Why isn't there just a keyboard key for everything?
Happiness, light, love and glory? One for changing
that line you just wrote lower-case as a title wrongly
into the upper-case you wanted. One for changing
bad dreams into the real loves of your life? One
for when the person at the end of your trip, to where
you were going, isn't there when you arrive? I don't
know anything much for sure, but I'd like this to be.
One time I said to the clown, the carnival clown in the
meadow, 'You may well be, but you can't fool me.' I'd
seen them pull up, the entire sick bunch  -  all those old
run-down cars and trucks from Alabama  -  and dump all 
their  stuff in the middle of the great big field; for their 
two-week stay as Reiman's Carnival folk. Tents and
lean-to's, everything up in three hours. The grass had
been cut close, small trees cut down, and the old land
scoured before they'd even arrived. Every one I saw
was some sort of strange character. If the guy signed
his name as 'D. Generate', I wouldn't have been at all
surprised nor taken a'back : like firesticks and candles
Three days later, I saw them all again  -  the girls had
gone wild  -  perhaps they were wives, I didn't know  -
but I think they traveled with this troupe and hardly
wore clothes. Performed in an 'adults only' tent of their
own, at ten bucks a pop. 'Exotic dance', I heard some
yokel call it  -  'Salome' he even said, as if pretending
to be some Biblical scholar would make a difference to
his Soul on Fire fury. I wanted to say 'Onanism' right
back to him, but didn't. Damn, I love all this stuff!
Right now I'm less a critic of anything than a liver of
Life  -  all its rotten foibles, failed stories, miserable
attempts at fames and glories. I just want to say 'Sorry'
and be along my way  -  maybe back to that field, where
that fucking, fake clown was taking his Mary Jane down.

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