Saturday, June 1, 2013


I think the biblical Devil idea is all wrong. Par-boiled
like baked skin in a tedious way, it makes this impish
thing out to be too separate from us. 'Get thee behind
me, Satan'  -  I mean, what's that? As if there is sequence
or space to such a thing. All that human folderol must
pale besides this messy entity. Like the lunacy of a
Poltergeist moment, it all ups up to nothing.
This dark trounce, I see instead, on every tabletop
and lintel and door. It's a morass that exudes itself
in every of our breaths. This 'Evil' that lurks, it has
no place, it runs no context and keeps no purse.
To make it something extraneous to us just begs
the question : 'Then, where?'
I will stand at this harbor for a very long time
looking out; to see what the sea's breath blows in,
what vagaries arise from the swirl of time and
matter. Let us give this Devil its due  -  of course
it's outside of all and within me and you.

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