Saturday, June 22, 2013


I took my crucible to its sickness bay  -  one of its
very own. Driving my Studebaker sideways through
the storm, it finally brought me home. Waiting for
me there, a magpie of some sort,  singing with string
and an apple. The cruet of wine atop the table, in a
dark-deep red hue, was enough for me. In my mind's
eye, unhindered, I was able to imagine : a myriad of
pyramids to dazzle that eye, to swizzle that stick, and
 to let me listen to the mourns and the moans of the
workers. 'Now no more straw for these bricks! And
Pharoah says we must gather our own! Mud, clay
and straw, water, block, labor and  tackle  -  all these
things for the work of a slave and the wages of but a
freeman on his straight way to Hell. Savender,
save us! Oh Messiah come now!

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