Sunday, May 26, 2013


Men are pretty often dreary. They stow
their gear and they wander about. I have
seen them, singly and in twos, talking 4am
stories to each other like washerwomen do.
Walking the streets of venomous gold, thinking
of how to reach advantage and gain. It's a most
dreary proposition, this thinking men through.
Those old Hart Crane sailor types, on the docks
and the wharves, trying to pick each other up
for exclamation. 'Use me, use me', they are
heard to exclaim. I cannot utter that profession,
and do not understand the need for, well, you know
that word I cannot type. Or will not. Women's juices
suit my plight much better, and the rest I leave unsaid.
Parts of me are honor-bound, and I am banded, myself,
in iron of a different kind : not a need for men, despicable
savages they, and grunting groaners all. With reason.
With logic. With that silly pumping of fearsome toil, until
somehow the drill strikes oil. No, nay. Give me instead
a woman's cant, a woman's lean desire - that willingness
for words and lust and love, conspiring all together in some
better, far higher, orgasmic quest. Bring me home to that,
for that's by far the best. Men are often pretty dreary.
To that, I can attest.

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