Saturday, May 11, 2013


(at Wissahickon Creek, Kelpius' Cave, 5/11/13)
By the grace of an ending I stood on a hill
looking down, holding a few small rocks
in my hand, rocks from Wissahickon Creek,
where I'd visited the Cave of Kelpius. He'd
expected the end of his world, in 1694, and
had led his followers down here, with him,
to wait out the end. There was yet starlight
in the watery stones around, and he threw
his own philosopher's stone into the water
for all to witness. The waters blazed, yet the
end never came. I knelt down to touch some
grass. What it seemed I could feel was some
warm magic. 'I will not die,' he had stated,
'but just be translated into another existence.'
What is left is left -  the dour surroundings
holler back something on this damp and rainy
day. My arched back streams upward, as if in
some Blakean drawing, towards the heavenly
fires abounding. I can hear the voices echoing:
'streaming back to your fire, we are assembling
here.' I must make amends, and be of good cheer.

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