Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Each time I get near a conclusion, my nerves get
jangled  -  knowing full well that things will have to
turn over again and re-start. Like a garden, tumbling into
Autumn, all those flowers and blooms can only be now
recollected in a silent thought of reverie and grace. Oh
then, would that there could be eternal light.
Now my mindless drift tries escaping from even itself.
An escarpment of rock and ledge, something doleful and
steady, keeps dragging me down  -  pitfalls, mistakes, and
all the groggy regrets of an instance-pervaded lifetime.
Three men stand outside their bar; they look too natty to
look like shit, but they each are half-drunk, near to a
stagger, and only outside to smoke a cigarette and talk
of nothing in the cool night air. I know they'd rather be
swimming inside, in their drink, where the air is warm.
Poor devils, exiled now twice  -  one cannot drink outside,
and yet one cannot smoke inside. What's a barkeep to do?

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