Tuesday, June 19, 2012


They fought the war untended, doing what they pleased.
The men lost legs and arms as if they were candy bars,
easy to dispense and easier to replace. Why men do this,
unwittingly and without even asking, is always beyond me.
There's not an upper-level officer alive who will tell them
it's shit, all for naught, there's no freedom involved.
Like clouds filled with murk, that's an indecorous concept,
that men die for principle and fight with valor for goals and
for honor. It's all dog-eat-dog and enforced control. Rank 
and serial, level and command. The very opposite of 
Freedom, no matter where you sand : not worth a lick,
and no going back. Every man for himself and the other,
dead bodies litter the illiterate field. 
They fight their wars, untended.
(Why do you fight for 'Freedom' as a slave?).

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