Friday, June 8, 2012


Some kind of isle tickles me deeply, makes me turn red,
harrows my face into laugh lines and creases. I wouldn't
tell you if it was not true. There was a man there, one time,
I quite well recall, named Orvis Catch. Whatever kind of
name that was, that it was. He was a Justice of the Peace
in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (I used to love that,
how they called themselves 'Commonwealth'), and he gave
out permits and licenses, auto registrations and 'tags' (what
they called license plates, also cool). A fat, happy old guy,
he wasn't really old by my standards today, but when I was
22 and he was 51, whatever. I'd just never heard of anyone
before with such a wonderful name. His daughter's name
was Wanda Catch, also amazing, as in 'I wanted to catch
Wanda's snatch, that Wanda Catch is a wonderful catch.'
He lived at the top of a hill which ran down to a lake, or a pond,
I guess it was more. The silver nickel of a fading full moon, as I
recall would shine down on that water like it was worth five
million dollars, even back then. He had a huge porch which ran
 the length of the house, and his main sideline was, he was 
a barber. Back then, in that part of Pennsylvania, that meant
a lot  -  people still got haircuts and worried about things
like that, unlike the wild, 'crazy city youths' who were 'always
wrecking things up.' They liked order, back then  -  now it's
all pretty much the same everywhere, and most men again
have short hair or, in fact, shaved heads. Cancer victims or
new Bhuddists, one way or the other. In nice weather, he'd
put people out there, on the porch, and cut their hair, while he
just talked endlessly, affably on. In the middle of that pond,
or whatever it was, was an island. A big clump of grass and
dirt and mud really. One day me and Wanda mucked out there
in the dead of the night, and simply had our way with each other.
That was, back then, about the time, too, of my last haircut.

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