Thursday, June 7, 2012


(near Sudbury, PA)
This is a long black coat and man inside it,
walking steadfastly across a burning horizon.
It is so hot, because of fire, because of flames,
that the man is profusely sweating, near to faint;
yet he cannot remove the jacket because his hands
are tied. He is being walked to the location of his death.
This is sex and violence of the purest sort; the kind
of sex that only big money buys, the kind of pain that
reaches  -  at its far end  -  a pure, black despair.
I have cheerio'd your lariat, I have edelwiess'd
your defamation. The water in the pool had
turned to fire, something crazed and boiling,
like a Hell on Earth. Walking on water, (message
to whomever) would only burn the feet.
Someone wanted to know about writing poetry:
'How do you twist those words, mix things over,
come up with all those weird juxtapositions?'
I said I did nothing of the sort, didn't know
if I did it then how I did it, and asked the
person to quietly leave. I wanted no more
of this. We agreed to disagree, and
then both realized we didn't.
Here's my new footnote, to end all
this: I was driving down a purloined lane,
came across a boulder marked with a
painted arrow. It led me to a historic
plaque stating that 'on this site, some
75 Native Algonquin were slaughtered
at a lunch held for them by Major Jacob
(Jack) Rivington, in 1771.' I swear that
I really just don't know, know really
nothing about this at all.

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