Saturday, December 31, 2022

15,896. FLOWERS, GONE?

The dainty Westboro vase that 
I never liked anyway is now 
somewhere and cannot be found.
It was packed away in a move, 
and that's the end of that. I'll
find it someday when the weather 
gets better than I am. Who wants
flowers now  -  at the dead of the
year  -  anyway?
One time, In Yellow Springs, Ohio,
I watching a guy cut trees. It was
November 4th or so, then. They 
were fir trees, with fairly large
limbs. There was a bonfire field,
at Antioch University right there,
and it turned out that was what he
was preparing for. Some football
rave or fest.
It's funny the kinds of things all
people do having somehow to do 
with plants and trees and things that
grow. (Makes me wonder though).

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