Wednesday, December 21, 2022

15,879. POST-OPS TWO

So then, good luck with any entertainment future. Just think, most people alive today at 30 could still be around in 50 years for what truly could become a real eye-opener. They'd be 80!
I wonder what people then will think of it all. What confuses me, first-off, is how people will need to be stopped from confusing this with 'God.' These are not God folk; they came after that fact, even with their claim of having 'made' us. That's nothing but scientific genetics, and we ourselves, now, are fairly much on that same path - cloning Dolly the sheep, and etc. What was said was that 'we' were Earthly-creatures, plopping around on all fours, and seen as easily advanceable - to mine gold and other ores and minerals for 'their 'planet, their home, which was running out of all those things. So their own science crews space-traveled to our planet, and made the needed adjustments. One result are the 'mythological' creatures of myth and lore, which were real things, and not myths at all - experimental tries at genetics. Man/beasts, half animal/half man. Bird creatures, and all those weird things seen on cave-walls, etc. Interesting? 'Weird beasts are wired beasts'. Will this 'revealing' process be peaceful? Was it peaceful the first time around? Who or what was it then that taught these people all that they know? I wondered; had someone done this same process to them, bringing them to this position of, in turn, now doing it upon us? Is it all circular? What are the current values of any of this? Gold and minerals, still needed? Is that why we value diamonds and gold? A waste of 'value' if I've ever seen one. Will it ever end? It's complex, and confusing. I wonder how it will all be explained and presented.
One last point - and science has validated this - the ancient maps we see of the Heavens, etc., are all drawn backwards. Why? Not because the people were too stupid to know better - they knew the heavens and the stars far better than we ever will - but because they were coming 'IN', not just looking out. These are 'entryway' maps on the way 'in' to entering our astronomical space; the great landing-strip buildings and entry-ports. They were NOT made from the perspective of someone looking up and out from our planet but from exactly the opposite - someone one or some thing APPROACHING us, with reversed coordinates, etc. Makes pluperfect sense (see Zechariah Sitchin's books; it's ALL illustrated and explained. There are like 12 or so of his books, all available, all cheap and easy to access). You don't need to believe this, I suppose; and I don't frankly care; but you'll suspend your disbelief and instead have faith in a baby born in a manger, come to save everyone, to somehow repair and save a 'damaged' world made by a supposedly perfect God - whose regrets had that God to have to destroy and flood and wipe out the 'world' he'd made. ? ...What sense has any of that? Also, Noah did NOT collect two of each species for a post-flood world. The Noah family were alien scientists who built the gambits and lines of the 'arc' and merely filled it with the selective DNA and genetics of what would be needed to 're-introduce animal lines to Earth, after the flood. Makes simplicitude a charm, instead of the curious and tedious burden the 'stories' make it out to be. It's all so simple, and clear.
It made me start to wonder: Our concepts of God and worship absolutely would preclude all of this. Our God - or mine anyway - has not one iota of the impetus put forward by these charlatans of pose. No needed 'story' to cover the human-sentimental falsities proposed. Secular-driftings have long ago taken over, smothering any of this with a pure and a raw overlay of rapacious greed, and twisting the meanings so that the sirens of lies, sleuth, and mendacity take over. The primitive and tribal elements of earlier desert nomads woven into stories and God-claims.
I wondered how Humankind would take all this, 50 years on or right now. Is that why - for the last 100 years - people have been trained to be zombies? Blindly following accepted opinions, listening to the benumber musings of idiot people in the employ of others, and peddling the same intergenerational crap everywhere? Good God, I hoped not!!

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