Friday, August 5, 2022


You are not speaking of
time, are you? Is it that
I hear swoosh past your
face in its angelic bliss?
Claiming, as you are, to
have it figured out, and
charmed, and solved past
all that pretension? Why 
would you bother? Don't
even mention.
Thank-you's are simply
not good enough for your
God, are they? He'd rather
we proved our bloodlust
by groveling or slobbering
in the filthy dirt until His
tide would lift us up. This
gets too easy too quickly.
Father Marshall, should I
instead congratulate the
wonderous Devil in your
name? Or lend out my
obsequies for your honor?
Having known it all, you'd
most certainly have an 
Father Marshall, to hear you
speak of time is such a distant
thing. I cannot grasp a whit of
what you say; nor remember how
long or how much it will bring.
(Five dollars would be good
enough, if you would only sing).

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