Monday, August 8, 2022


On the long hold to
disbarment, I probably
would. But jumping like
that would only break 
my ankles? Over and
above (funny, to say 
that), nothing much
else would do.
Once, as a high flyer,
I played bootie with all
sorts of people. Those
renegade punks at St.
Mark's Church, diving
and dumping for all they
were worth. The lazy
firemen who hung at
the bar in clutches.
I'll say again: I'm not a
lawyer, but the long hold
to disbarment would crack
my substantials : cynicism
and a crafty tongue. They're
all the same, those words -
disparagement, discernment,
derationalization, defenestration,
demise and domain. De rigeur!
Both the animus and the anima
can share these weird sensations.

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