Saturday, August 27, 2022


The guy said par for the course was
failure. I asked him what he meant;
he looked at me funny and replied:
"It's only after a minute that seconds
accumulate so we can call them that;
the rest, kid, is all crap." I was 18,
and had just gotten myself to Tompkins
Square Park. In a very Huck Finn sort
of way I was already on my mental
raft, and done with this world. Seeking
my Jim, with Old Pap' already in the
woodshed seeking me out. River oh 
river, come take me away.
The salsa group was banging in the
park  -  I hated that sort of music, but
there it was, now all around me. The
little bandshell held some five or six. 
All I had with me right then were my 
bongo drums. I loved those suckers,
and could play to most anything  -  
staccato, breaks, shuffle, rims and
centers, and double-shuffle too. My
thumb-knuckle corners were heavily
calloused. I started to play. At a break
they motioned me over  -  to come up
and join them. Cool enough, and they
were slightly mic'ed too, so I sat near
a pickup and got amplified as well.
It all felt pretty good, as the seconds
ticked by into minutes and more.
My first day in New York was a pretty good
day. River, oh river, come take me away.

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