Saturday, August 6, 2022


I have contacted people who
think they know; reasons, 
meanings, solutions, and
answers too. Peoples' faces
around a bar, here, seem 
as visions, or as somber as
we allow. I walked in here
quite by chance. Here a 
monkey; there a charmer.
The slow flow of liquid moves
along, honey-like, as people
talk and digress. And then - in
an instant - all of a sudden, it's
over, like that! A cruel and nasty
thus, as someone's face gets
smashed by a rousting fist.
A crack like violence hits the
floor  -  blood that trickles has
something to say. A few pass
on, others crouch to revive the
man on the floor. Life is like
that, I guess : some move on,
while others stay.

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