Wednesday, August 24, 2022


In a supermarket everything
conspires to put food in a bag;
in a candy store, to put mints
in a jar. In a tavern, it all goes
off to put beer in a pint-glass;
things just hover like that.
Are there enough changeable
manners and patterns to alter
the ways of the world? The
weatherman is half right half 
the time; the stock market
brays when things go bad,
and rises for days. When
good news finally happens,
the market tanks.
The guys on Wall Street say,
'The Market hates uncertainty.'
I say bullshit to that, the market
is perverse and thrives on peoples'
ills. Woes accumulate, and the
securities guys get rich. That
pencil up their ass? May
they sit on it.

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