Thursday, November 28, 2019


Interference never plays well
in retrospect.  One always wished
to have done more, without any
assistance. Not just shoot the
rabbit, but skin it, cut it up, and
cook it too. The eating, who cares.
Give it to the poor, for all I care.
Anyway, about these local natives?
Turkeys? Shouldn't we just stick
with rabbits and be done?
All this coastal stuff is driving me
crazy anyway  -  some say deep land,
others want the sand. Waves and
deep water. We get to call them
Indians? I don't know about that.
My own image is more like Carstair's
Whiskey; that stylized picture on
the label  -  some braves, half naked,
with a feather in their headband. They're
driving our women wild  -  learning to
plant corn just yesterday, with fish no
less; and now eating it together with
them in attendance?
Too much is happening, Roger,
and I'd say way too soon.

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