Friday, November 8, 2019

12,273. THE MOON

Limiting brief time is already
too short : these tourists line
up at the factory. 'Daddy,' the
little girl says, 'can we see how
shoes are made!' Ah such are
the expectations of blind youth.
'Shoes are earned, not made,'
I wished for Dad to utter.
Soulfully. In the same way as
Mandrake, the Magician, once
turned solvent metal into an
imagined gold, so too this child
seeks to shortcut learning of the
world by an immersion into it.
Ah! She should only be so wise.
Over all this, by now 5pm, a
half-moon sits above, in a
newly black sky. 'Look up,
my child, look up! We shall
see how stars are made!'

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