Sunday, November 3, 2019


The kettle drum will catch fire
and burn down the entire town.
There will be no parking spaces 
left, and all the meters, having
expired, will be filled with the
melted metal of fired coins. We
will all be helpless to do anything
about this, for the fury of God,
here personified, will have arrived.
'You cannot marry your sweethearts,'
this God will say, 'I will have it so
that you can only marry those you 
hate.' This God will remain standing,
too big to sit, and there will be no
God seat anyway : not in the burned
out libraries, nor in the psychiatric
offices and clinic halls. The boats,
now filled with people, shall try 
leaving the harbor, but water will 
have lost its qualities and the boats
will not be budging; caught instead
in their mass of solid tar.

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