Wednesday, November 13, 2019

12,284. RUDIMENTS, pt. 867

RUDIMENTS, (pt. 867)
(a bright, shining lie - but true) pt. one
When the hounds are chasing
you, it's always good to throw
off false scents. Hounds can be
pretty stupid about their noses;
running off in weird directions
because of some signal to which
their 'sniffer' misdirects them.
If you can control that, as the
pursued, you gain time, make
them look even more stupid than
they are, and come out ahead. I
did all that, and still do. People
are way too serious, and falsehood
can be a good thing; strategy-wise
politicians do it all the time. In
the sordid history of America,
I don't think there was ever a
truth told to the Native Americans
at all. In turn, they taught me
the value of lying. It's really 
good Custer got his ass handed 
to him, and just the way he did.
I used to think about the Ghost
Dances of the Indians, back in
the last days of their tribal
freedoms, after years and years
of broken treaties and the standard
betrayals of the settlers and agents
and the military commission and
fort men, stretched all along, and
constantly taking from, what used
to be Native American lands. The
horse-wiping deceit and murderous
intent of the people taking over
the lands  -  the horrendous deceit
of the very principles of the nation
they'd just founded. Forget about
slaves, for right now who cares
about them  -  I'm talking here
of the original inhabitants of
what was here previous. It's one
of the rights I know I'd like to see
rectified before I die  :  Heck,
I'd like to be the one rectifying
it. This country was built upon
the broken backs and unfulfilled
dreams of the people from which
everything had been taken. Starting
with the untold slaughter of millions
of bison. An issue never addressed
and a pure, cultural devastation.
But none of today's schmucks
would know anything about that,
they'd rather thank others for their
Starbucks and fancy shoe outlets.
The Indians I always knew were
quiet. The others weren't  -  the NY
Spaniards, the Puerto Ricans, the
Euro-cultures, the people from
Germany and Italy and Ireland
and all that, they were noisy and 
demonstrative and brash. There
was none of that with anyone who
ever claimed Native- American
ancestry. You could look high
and low and you'd never find
noise  -   nor would you find any
of the cultural exhibitionism and
materialism by which the normal
USA person swaggered along.
The few I knew to talk with scoffed
at all that. Around them each,
there was a pervasive sadness
that echoed that silence. They 
were somehow surrounded by
the lances and shadows of their
dead and dying  -  all those
Ghost-Dance ancestors who
were supposed to rise again
and save them. But never did.
That whole Ghost Dance thing
scared the military encampments
of General George Crook and
agent 'White Hair' McLaughlin,
near to death. Indians, man, were
scary people. Countless people
tried to deal 'rationally' with it
('rational' was all the stupid whites
knew), and they failed miserably,
as did the Dawes Commission,
another wreck of political theft
and intrigue. (Remember,
this is America). 
My Indians, they called me 'Many
Shirts.' I layered so many pieces of
clothing, by necessity, that I guess
it was pretty noticeable  - but I was
never shamed, more happy to have
been given a name.
All of life is just about a dead-end
anyway, and I think that's sort of
what I recognized emanating from
these folks. There was an American
Indian Museum  around somewhere
that was about as pathetic as a
midtown scrambled egg; there 
was, over at the Museum of 
Natural History, after you first
passed a huge statue of Nature-Killer 
Theodore Roosevelt, here extolled 
for 'saving' Nature, a few dioramas
that claimed to portray Indians
about on par with the cave-man 
scenes in the dioramas down
the hallway. Such stupid pilfering,
always. I think the Indians
deserve reparations too. If that's 
the case  -  just throwing guilt
money around for all the fuck-ups 
of the past so you can continue
your on profligate ways. I say no.
The people 'giving' should first
have to suffer. No more canned 
peaches, or something really
'horrible' like that, right?  How
about no more canned music in 
elevators. Kill them with silence too.
Teach 'em. It was one turn after
the other, wherever you went, 
that was seeking somehow the 
diminishment of the Native
American culture. When you
can mis-represent other people
you can take claim to their culture, 
which is exactly what our culture 
of wreckage and devastation has done, 
liberal bullshit bias notwithstanding. 
You give reparations to the undeserving, 
what are they going to do with it? Buy
some bling and a new Infiniti? A gold 
tooth? You give reparations to the
Indians, they still can't buy back 
their stolen lands. This country's 
a screw-up from one dead-end 
to the other. Always been so.
Vladimir Nabokov had it pretty
right, when he wrote : "In a sense
we are all crashing to death from
the top story of our birth to the
flat stones of the churchyard
and wondering with an immortal
Alice In Wonderland at the patterns
of the passing wall. The capacity 
to wonder at trifles no matter 
the imminent peril, these asides 
of the spirit, these footnotes in 
the volume of life are the highest 
forms of consciousness, and it
is in this childishly speculative 
state of mind, so distant from 
commonsense and its logic, 
that we know the world 
to be good."
In 1890, the Paiute Messiah,
Wovoka, founded the religion
of the Ghost Dance. It's always
at the dying end of a culture
when the weirdest things begin
arising; happens the same way
today. BUT, Wovoka was different,
Wovoka's plight was the echo
of a dead world, dying anyway,
and way before recordings, that
he could hear and reproduce, and
play back for others  -  for his
people anyway. It spread like
wildfire, at the far end of the
demise of the Indian, and the
white guys, they knew not what 
to make of it, as I said, setting off
frenzied reactions of panic and
fear. They thought they had this
'Indian' problem licked, all the
right warriors dead, imprisoned,
or embalmed... and now, this!
Everyone left got into Wovoka
and his Ghost Dance  -  men like
Sitting Bull, Kicking Bear, Short
Bull, John Grass, and others.
Kicking Bull told of how a voice
had commanded him to take the
Iron Horse to the end of the line,
the railroad terminus at Pyramid
Lake and Walker Lake (another
short journey). He met Indians
he'd never seen before, who gave
him bread and meat, (he had five
companions with him on this
journey). Vision Quest. They
came to a camp of Fish Eaters
(Paiutes), who told them it
had been foreordained,
Christ has returned to the 
earth again. Christ must have
sent for them. They waited
at Walker Lake with hundreds 
of other Indians speaking in
dozens of different tongues. 
The Indians had come from
many reservations to see the
Messiah too. Just before 
sundown on the third day 
the Christ appeared, and the
Indians made a big fire to
throw light on him. (Kicking
Bear always thought Christ
would look like a white man,
but this was an Indian). After
a while this figure rose, and
began to speak : "I  have sent
for you and am glad to see you.
I am going to talk to you after a
while about your relatives who
are dead, and gone. My children, 
I want you to listen to all that
I am going to say to you. I will
teach you how to dance a dance,
and I want you to dance it. Get
ready for your dance, and when
the dance is over I will speak
to you." Then he commenced to
dance, everybody joining in,
the Christ singing while they
danced. They danced the Dance
of the Ghosts until late at night,
when the Messiah told them they
had danced enough. 

Next Chapter 'Ghost Dance'

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