Sunday, November 3, 2019

12,259. CURTAINS

My best friend John said life
is a pile of shit. I always have
tended to agree with him. There's
nothing really new about any of
that. He's gone now anyway, having
taken his own life at the age of 9.
He said he was tired already, and
that 5th grade bored him stiff; he
hated the teacher and the two little
girls who sat on either side of him. 
Always refusing his advances. I
used to tell him to read Plato; and
that it's like that when the people
running things are the type who
demand sense, keep kids seated
in alphabetic order, and demand
that poets leave the room. That
last one did him in. He left the
classroom, went down to the
basement bathroom, and all
we heard was a big boom.

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