Wednesday, November 20, 2019

12,305. SCROOGE

(st. stephen's day)
'You can earn an extra shilling
if you do it the way I say.' He must
think I'm Tiny Tim, I thought to
myself. Or that kid he sends out
to get the fattest turkey he can
find. What a jerk he must think
I am. So I swung around and batted
the old coot with  the coal shovel
he kept nearby. He went down.
Hard. And I ran off.
Next day in the papers they said
the old guy had been attacked
by marauders who left no clue;
little to go on, thankfully, except
some coins that had been flung
about. I was far away by then,
but always wondered if they'd
catch up.
It's said that criminals seek the
punishment they get; that there's
a wish of sorts to be apprehended
and punished. Not for me; oh please,
keep far, far away. What day is this?
The feast of St. Wenceslaus yet?

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