Friday, March 22, 2019


It isn't that I don't like snowy Fridays....
Do I? No! It's more that the rant of a
cable-man about the hardships of his 
job bores me to tears. Now I lay me 
down to sleep, I pray the Lord, don't 
send a creep. This other location, by
the House of Bereavement and Blues, 
suits me far better (and I've sent in my
dues). Here, let me give you a hand.
You seem, otherwise, completely
incompetent to me, though I wish I
had your glum swagger : radio plays
some loud music in the van, and the
yellow, plastic ladder steps seems so
perfect to go with that strip on your
cool Cablevision jacket. Identify 
yourself at the door, and someone 
will let you in.

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