Thursday, March 21, 2019

11,622. RUDIMENTS, pt. 630

RUDIMENTS, pt. 630
(my best shake n' bake slice of life story ever)
There was always a difference,
a difference in everything. It
was in how people talked, how 
they carried themselves, how they
looked, and what they came across
as. I never cared, and that probably
showed  -  but time was slow, so my
degeneration never materialized
'quickly,' hence one of the benefits
of it all was that it came on just
gradually. That was happening a
lot in 1967  -  all these oddball
business types and movie stars
and all  -  just like that, all you
started seeing was the stupid
end of things  -  sideburns, beads,
turtlenecks, even Nehru jackets
and all that. It went nuts, just all
at once. There were useless people
all of a sudden brandishing their
hip disguise. Robert Goulet; Sammy
Davis, Jr.  -  really, who'd ever
wish to see that? The world was
beginning to stink.
One of the benefits of staying 
clear of the Army  -  even though
they were after me  -  was that
I was able to remain as loose as
I wished too  -  none of that
military-issue slave-boy crap
for me, and, I felt, if I wanted to
look like a concentration camp 
victim I'd just go back to 1940
and be done with it. Why in the
world would you 'fight' for Freedom,
as was said, while being forced to
look like a regimented pap-smear?
If you were truly 'Free,' and fighting
to defend that idea, shouldn't you
be looking like a wild-man Viking
marauding killer? Nothing made any
sense. Regimented thinking always
has been a real kick in the groin to
me. So, as it went, there was some
sort of Selective Service bullshit
registration or something I was
supposed to have done  -  they
needed cannon-meat, evidently,
for Vietnam. I wasn't about to
partake of any of that crap either,
so I just stayed away. When they
somehow did begin asking questions
to home (back home, Avenel), for
some reason (seemingly outside the
bounds of loving parenting, by the
way) my Mother gave them the
last address she had for me! 509
east 11th Street. And thank you
for that! Hoping it would NOT be
my last address, of course, I laid 
low  -  but one day these two guys
caught up with me, right out on
the street, and corralled me for
violating some Selective Service
Registration Act or something.
So they took me to the Whitehall
Station address, and duly got
my information and gave me
another date to return to see them,
in about three weeks. Now, I set 
it straight here, I have, nor never
have had, any reservations about
any damned fool wishing to do
any of that stuff  -  go ahead and
join any army you wish, kill, bomb,
maim, burn, penetrate, destroy,
torture, or whatever  -  but do Not,
and I repeat, do NOT include me.
These Selective Service rat guys
were real assholes, probably in
deep denial about any entertainment
value involved in the paucity of
their line of work. By the way, I do
hope they're each dead -  and that 
it was early, sudden, and of
unusual, gruesome, causes.
I went back for that day, at the
appointed time  -  probably like
a jerk but I didn't feel like jail. 
I took my bicycle and rode it 
down Broadway, in deep and
heavy traffic, which probably
could have killed me too (bicycle
travel back in those days bore
absolutely NO resemblance to
what's around today. The entire
fey world, remember, is softer
now, and cuddly as well). This 
whole Whitehall Induction Service 
was a bit of a farce too. I forget 
exactly, but Whitehall was too 
crowded so they'd begun using, 
additionally, this really crap 
building down on lower Broadway  
-  green offices, puke-colored 
hallways, little stupid people 
in cranky little offices. Like the 
Army world had mixed in, like 
Sparta taking over Athens  -  
all of a  sudden even freaking 
NYC had been taken over by 
military a'holes; future Legionaires
of America Club, just without
the beer and the soggy eyes.
I just left my bike down in the
lobby, and went up  -  they sort
of swarmed me, on about the 8th
or 10th floor. I would have told
then to fuck off, but they'd have
probably shot me right then and
there. Life is foul like that, especially
when you live in a militaristic 
nation-state that pretends it isn't.
So, they grilled me, asking a bunch
of stupid questions, as if I'd actually
tell them the truth   -  like talking
to some seminary priest guy in my
face about the shower room. Jerks,
all, each, and every. So I started
telling the one guy about what I'd
done with his daughter the previous
Saturday night, and how well she'd
enjoyed it even though she kept 
saying her father had already, yes,
done that to her too. OK, just kidding.
They eventually decided  -  the fools  -
that all my papers and personal
history and all had nothing at all
to do with New York, and that, by
rights, I was the property of the
Newark, NJ Selective Service
office  -  which is where the
cranks then took me. Got me 
there real quickly too. Once there,
I got grilled all over again, NJ
style this time  -  same questions
that means, just asked in a dumber
style. They said I was all good,
and the induction room was to the
left. A bunch of 18 and 20 year
dolts walking around in their
underwear. No kidding. I said.
'Nope, not for me. I want to see
a shrink.' They actually allowed 
that! Sometimes all one needs to do 
is speak up! And not one, but three,
in a room upstairs. It was an Oscar
worthy performance, believe me.
All fake, but it worked - just like
when I got escorted out of jury
duty last August. Same sort of
goofy routine, except this time 
the stupid court guards and all
ended up thanking me for my
service and sacrifice  -  saying
actually that my case of PTSD
was a sorrowful thing, thanking
me for my military time, asking
if I wanted to go to the hospital,
etc. Totally fucking bogus, folks.
Even this black guard guy came
up to me and said, 'I was in
the military myself, sir. I can
fully understand what you're 
going through.' I wanted to
say, 'Dude, I'm going through
the door.' It's so pathetic when
susceptibility to the prevailing
social modes make people start
seeing only what they want to see.
There's not one brain in that
entire New Brunswick courthouse.
A entire building of tax-funded
mental rejects. Like Woodbridge!
I gave the shrinks my best story 
line about how I was uncontrollable
to myself and that if someone taught
me how to use a rifle, and how to
shoot and all that, the very first
thing I'd do would be to turn it
on the person who'd just taught
me to use it, and take down as
much of all else as I could. I told
them I could not control myself,
etc. And while I was talking
this good stream, the whole
time I kept edging over towards 
the window ledge where, inside,
there was a little riser that I stood
on, as if seeking access to jump.
That was all they needed. The three
of them stopped the proceedings.
I figured Khe Sahn, here I come,
thinking they'd trundle me off on
the next troop ship outta' there
for being such a good sport.
Instead, then offered me comfort,
and even asked if I had a way 
home, or if I'd like a bus ticket.
No shit; I took the bus ticket,
they made me a 4F, which is, 
or was, like 'we don't ever want
you, ever'  -  how cool was all
that? I was allowed to just walk
out. They said they'd be sending
my parents arrangements and 
stuff for some shrink dates I'd
have to undergo, for what they
called 'anxiety phobia.' Nothing
ever came that I knew of.
And then that was all forgotten,
like a big weight was lifted
off my shoulders. And, the next
day, back in NYC, I was able
to retrieve my bicycle from the
exact leaning-on-the-wall spot
in the lobby I'd left it at. Try
that now; see what happens.

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